PhD students

reNEW is committed to train next generations of first-class stem cell scientists. 

reNEW PhD training is based on individual research projects, working closely with an academic supervisor and Group Leader. Our PhD students are specifically matched with principle investigators based on their research interests and background.

The Center emphasis that students develop and test new hypotheses and interpretations of knowledge in the fields of cell and developmental biology, as well as development of novel therapies based upon the application of stem cells. 

All Center's PhD students are registered at The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen, which offers education in a broad spectrum of health science disciplines. Additionally, students are enrolled at the Graduate Program of Molecular Mechanisms of Disease (MoMeD), a cross-institutional research program, (integrated at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences).

Mentoring of PhD students at reNEW 

  • Diverse and integrated curriculum
  • Training in hypothesis testing, experimental design, data analysis and interpretation, grant writing, and oral and written presentation skills
  • Interactions and collaborations.

Pre-Doctoral Year

A pre-doctoral year prior to the formal PhD education aims to prepare and train students, providing pre-doctoral students with a solid understanding of the biology of stem cells, the skills of how to use stem cells in their own research, and the ability to devise and use novel approaches in their stem cell research. This year enables the student to build the tools and basic skills for his/her research project.
Pre-doctoral students receive guidance from Principle Investigators and are expected to participate in the center’s activities on the same footing as doctoral studentssuch as: retreats, seminars and conferences. Students are also expected to present their research to fellow students via oral presentations and poster sessions.
At the end of this year students submit a PhD project proposal and defend it orally, resulting in formal registration as PhD students at the faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen, upon approval of a PhD committee.
The curriculum of pre-doctoral year, followed by a PhD education is tailored for students who wish to complete a PhD degree at reNEW and to pursue a research career in academia or in industry.

reNEW is part of the Copenhagen Bioscience PhD program. 

Students 2022