reNEW seminars
At reNEW we regularly invite external speakers who share their expertise.

The reNEW seminars are occurring every month on Wednesdays. reNEW hosts an external speaker who shares insights about their research. Postdocs and PhD students have the opportunity to meet with the speaker to discuss career paths and research interests.
Additionally, reNEW employees can attend events from associated Centers at the University of Copenhagen, listed on the BioMed calendar.
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Seminars 2024/2025
Meet our previous speakers
Vanessa Hall | University of Copenhagen and Århus University
Amanda Rolf Andersson | Hubrecht Institute, Utrecht
Florian Merkle and Dong Won Thomas Kim | University of Cambridge and Århus University
Sasha Mendjan | Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
Aydan Karslioglu | Max Planck Institute for molecular genetics, Berlin
Amy Ralston and Elizabeth Robertson | Michigan State University and University of Oxford
Hsiu-Chuan Lin | ETH, Zürich
Maria Genander | Karolinska Institute, Stockholm
Peter Rugg-Gunn | Babraham Institute, University of Cambridge
Susanne Mandrup | Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Southern Denmark
Yanlan Mao | MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology, University College London
Ijeoma Florence Uchegbu |School of Pharmacy, University College, London
Christa Buecker | Max Perutz Labs, Vienna
Mette Rosenkilde | Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
Christa Buecker | Max Perutz Labs, Vienna
Lea Haarup Gregersen | University of Copenhagen
Daniel Stange | Department of Gastrointestinal, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, Technische Universität Dresden
Ian Alexander | Gene Therapy Research Unit, Children Medical Research Institute, Melbourne
Marius Wernig | Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Stanford University
Enzo Porrello | Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, reNEW
Miguel Manzanares | Spanish National Center for Cardiovascular Research
Keisuke Kaji | The University of Edinburgh
Ana Cvejic | Biotech research and Innovation Center, University of Copenhagen
Lorenz Studer | Sloan Kettering institute, New York
K. VijayRaghavan | National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore
Jørgen Kjems | Aarhus University
Gioele la Manno | École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Nicolas Fossat | University of Copenhagen
Andrew Sinclair | Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Melbourne
Silas Boye Nissen | University of Copenhagen
Nicolas Rivron | Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Vienna
Margherita Turco | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel