Imaging platform

We provide state of the art light microscopy equipment, training and assistance as required for our researchers to visualise and measure fluorescently labeled structures in cells and tissues. In addition to the microscopy equipment, we also provide access to software and expertise in image and data analysis.


We assist reNEW groups with advice and training throughout the imaging project, starting from the initial project consultation, experiment design, training of the according system all the way to image analysis, data visualisation and data handling. We do performance tests on a regular basis to ensure all systems are working well and are perfectly maintained and aligned.



  • Basic and advanced training in microscopy and image analysis.
  • For more advanced projects, we do help with setting up custom imaging and analysis workflows.
  • We also facilitate the interaction of microscopy users within the NNF Center Cluster thanks to sharing of imaging staff and organization of joint user meetings with the Center for Protein Research located in the same building as reNEW.
  • In addition, we coordinate with the Center for Integrated Microscopy at the Faculty for Health and Medical Sciences (CFIM) for other specialized equipment and applications such as light sheet microscopy, multiphoton microscopy and electron microscopy.





We have a wide range of different light microscopes and image analysis software programs.

  • Basic widefield microscopes, also equipped with an EMCCD camera or monochrome camera
  • Fully automated widefield screening microscopes
  • Bioluminescence microscope Fully automated confocal microscopes, also equipped with Airyscan detector
  • Fully automated spinning disk confocal microscope Imaris/Huygens/Fiji/CellProfiler/Ilastik/MATLAB



We do support with microscopy related training, image acquisition setup, sample preparation, experiment design and image analysis. Our focus is on training the end user, so they are fully independent with their imaging projects.



  • Sample preparation
  • Experiment design
  • Basic and advanced microscopy
  • High throughput screening microscopy
  • Live cell imaging
  • Image Analysis
  • Data Visualization
  • Data handling