7 June 2024

Kirkeby Group is the first lab to obtain bronze LEAF certification

Everyone in the lab has contributed to being able to meet the requirements, but a special thanks to Bob and Anika, who have taken the lead on this. In addition, lab management has been instrumental to achieving this goal, in particular by the way that waste management and ordering is centrally organised within the center. 

The LEAF criteria were reviewed and implemented one by one and small things, such as reconsidering how many incubators need to be running at any given time as well as improving lab organisation and improving waste management in tissue culture. Their next goal is to meet the requirements for silver and see how they can further reduce resource consumption within their labs and office spaces.

Get to know more about LEAF
LEAF  has been designed by University College London to improve sustainability within, among others, laboratories at universities. Laboratories account for 25% of Copenhagen University’s energy and resource consumption. LEAF is an opportunity for labs to reduce their footprint as well as to make more efficient use of their time and money.

The University of Copenhagen is encouraging all labs to participate in the LEAF program to reduce CO2 emissions and all laboratories at reNEW Copenhagen need to obtain their bronze LEAF certification by the end of this year, so more labs will follow in the next months. 
