Committees and initiatives

At reNEW we value giving everyone the opportunity to join committees or initiatives, fostering a strong sense of belonging and community.

Occupational health and safety

Every organisation or company in Denmark must involve both their management and worker representatives to safeguard and promote health and safety in the workplace. Your working environment means a lot for your daily routines and working lives. Employees at reNEW elect occupational health and safety (OHS) representatives every three years. 

​​​Three main focus areas

  • Workplace assessments (APV)
  • Checking and keeping an eye on the working environment both in the labs and in the office areas
  • Preventing accidents and keeping a dialogue with colleagues on OHS issues in the workplace

Your voice matters

Our organisation offers a variety of committees and initiatives, each dedicated to different aspects. They foster a sense of belonging and allows you to actively contribute. Being part of a committee gives you the opportunity to make your voice heard and to shape our culture.

Joint consultation committee

The joint consultation committee (JCC) consists of management representatives and employee appointed by the union (fagforening - Danish). The representatives are appointed every second year by management or a labor union.

Good local cooperation is a forum for dialogue in which management and employees can discuss and develop decisions and new ideas related to working and staff conditions that are important for the workplace and have the potential to influence people within reNEW. These discussions can take place before anyone else is aware of them. 

This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Personnel policy
  • Work/life balance
  • Well-being
  • Finances
  • Competence Development

Local association of students and postdocs -reSAP

Aims to build a supportive and empowering community. reSAP gives PhD students and Postdoctoral researchers a voice and representation to realise their specific needs and greater academic/professional development opportunities, such as scientific and professional-oriented activities, as well as networking and social events.

Diversity and inclusion working group

reNEW is striving to be a research center and workplace, where everyone feels valued, respected and where differences among people are celebrated. We want reNEW to be a safe space where all employees and students can be themselves and thereby can reach their full potential and help us achieve our scientific and organisational goals. 

The Diversity and Inclusion Working Group, abbreviated DIWG, consists of both administrative staff and researchers from different levels. The working group strives to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment, independently of their particular background and experiences.

The working group organises several events throughout the year, including the Pride Month Bake Sale, workshops, seminars with inspirational speakers, and coaching sessions.

DIWG recently received a Lundbeck Foundation grant for the project OPEN-STEM project that empowers reNEW's staff to achieve their full career and scientific potential by focusing on supporting an inclusive culture, with emphasis on understanding and enhancing intercultural communication as well as promoting cross-disciplinary exchange.

Diversity strategy at reNEW

Our Diversity and Inclusion strategy highlights reNEW's dedication to diversity and inclusion across gender, race, sexuality, religion and other diversenesses. As part of the University of Copenhagen, reNEW fully supports the University's efforts on Diversity and Equality.

Pride Bake Sale


LEAF, Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework, has been designed by University College London to improve sustainability within, among others, laboratories at universities. Laboratories account for 25% of Copenhagen University’s energy and resource consumption. LEAF is an opportunity for labs to reduce their footprint as well as to make more efficient use of their time and money.

The University of Copenhagen is encouraging all labs to participate in the LEAF program to reduce CO2 emissions and all laboratories at reNEW Copenhagen need to obtain their bronze LEAF certification by the end of this year, so more labs will follow in the next months.

LEAF certifications reNEW

  • Aragona Group (LEAF bronze)
  • Kirkeby Group (LEAF bronze)
  • Jensen Group (LEAF bronze)