Strategy and Organization

reNEW’s public engagement efforts and organization are constantly evolving and have become a core part of our Center’s culture involving enthusiastic scientists at all levels. While we offer a coordinated program with annually recurring events we also aim to keep the organization of workshops, visit and lectures as open as possible to allow individual creativity for trying out approaches with different target audiences and events.

What is our approach?

  • We are planning our events and outreach modules with internal volunteers who work in small teams to prepare activities that we then put together to larger programs.
  • During preparation the coordinators offer encouragement and training
  • With our preparation approach we give room for individual creativity
  • And we ensure timely input from research projects.

How are we organized?

  • Most of our large events and hands-on activities are planned and executed by junior scientists (about 15-30 internal participants per event). Group leaders are involved in public lectures and seminars.
  • Larger events are coordinated by a staff scientist Mette Jørgensen and the reNEW UCPH node research coordinator Simone Wenkel

How do we evaluate?

  • In collaboration with the guests and visit coordinators, we get ad-hoc feedback and use survey tools to follow up on our events.
  • We establish long-term collaborations with our stakeholders (e.g. teacher associations and schools) to be able to inquire about outcomes and impact of event in a longer time perspective.
  • We evaluate and collect our Impact report via center reporting
  • We organize internal follow-up discussions to evaluate, improve and develop our outreach portfolio

Who are our partners and public engagement network?

  • Partner in the EU Eurostemcell consortium to exchange about Best Practice.
  • National initiatives such as: Natural Science Festival, Research Week, Culture night